it seems everywhere i look...

i see classical sculpture.
have you seen anthropologie's
october catalog?

and this twinkle by wenlan dress?

when i saw the winged figure,
it reminded me of the
victory of samothrace
i wrote about a little
while ago.

i've attempted working with
marble, and have great respect
for those who create something
like this. i once took a class in
marble sculpture through the
smithsonian when we lived in
washington, d.c.

my unfinished project is still at
my in-laws. it's too heavy to
ship, and each time we visit,
i forget to bring it back with me.

i also still have the chisels and rasps,
and though i'll never use
them again, i don't think i'll part
with them. too many great memories...
like meeting g. for indonesian food
and slipping into the national gallery
for some inspiration.

images credits: anthropologie


  1. The dress is elegant yet modern.

  2. i thought so too. i esp love the sleeves and the proportion of each color.


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