the heat wave continues...

we're staying indoors this weekend. how about you?  if we do go outside,
it will be when the sun goes down and temperatures drop. 

we'll deploy some version of what you see below. cafe lights, a cooler full of beer,
a radio so we can listen to the royals vs. the twins, a fan to keep us cool,
and incense to keep the mozzies away.

hope it's cooler where you are!

1. CAFE STRING LIGHTS via target 2. SOLAR RADIO via brook farm genera store 3. COOLER via janus et cie 
4. BOTTLE OPENER via rejuvenation 5. PILSNER GLASSES via serena and lily 6. PEDESTAL FAN via fanimation lighting 7. INCENSE COIL via amazon


  1. Love those pilsner glasses! I don't have any and have been pondering adding them.

  2. i love to put them in the freezer so they get cool and frosty!


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